Tuesday, August 19, 2008

1. Sharing - The basics

So moving forward I am going to use this blog more as a platform to share my thoughts on communication, feel free to contribute, borrow etc but please take note to the licensing conditions, many thanks.

Lets start with some basic background info that sets up the framwork of the debate. Yes digital is a factor but no TV and other media for that matter is not going to suddenly disappear as a relevant factor in communication. To me this is common sense but I have read enough to know others believe different so I just wanted to set my stall out. By the way after going from Keynote to PowerPoint to GoogleDocs some of my lovely slides look a little ropey, sorry for that.

The one thing to note here is that the medium is increasingly going to become an irrelevant tag when creating content, today often we say "TV" when we mean "Film" and "online" when we mean "websites". Already digital media is actually a medium for any form of content and over the coming couple of years the TV will catch up and be an interactive shell for digital content. Moving forward content will become independent of the medium to deliver it. What will become important is how we construct experiences and ongoing dialogues across the different media so people get the right content and interactivity in the context of what they are doing and what their needs are at a specific point in their brand interaction.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License.

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