Tuesday, August 19, 2008

2. Sharing - The Consequence of Noise

So given we know there is a proliferation of communication and that choice is prevalent in modern culture how do brands secure their place in peoples minds and wallets? The following illustrates that there really is, I believe, only one way to be heard and that is to develop trust.

What does this mean?:

Brands can't just shout and expect to be heard. They have to listen. Listening may mean the need to change, not for short term gains but for the greater long term good. Listening means measuring (qualitatively and quantitatively). It means starting open ended communication and seeing where people want it to go and then adapting to their needs. It means doing things you think may fail but the learning you get is worth the risk.

Brands can't just reinvent themselves as appropriate to leverage cultural trends, they have to live by their previous choices and expressions and evolve from them, admitting mistakes and building on success. This means stopping with constant creative re-invention It means letting the need to work hard connecting people and brands over time take the lead over big ideas exploding every three months.

There is only one way this can work, and will be illustrated in the next post, its a very simple strategic shift for a brand/company to make but the implications in communications and internal organisation are significant which is why there are very few (dare I say no) illustrations of this being done currently

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