Wednesday, August 27, 2008

6. Sharing - Why the Trust Iteration works

Why does what is laid out below work better for brands and people?

See below, this is reflective of campaigns as we know them.

Most campaigns develop high peaks of reach with a sharp fall away (point 1 above). This is true even with camapaigns including digital elements, it may help lesson the fall away (illustrated by the light grey illustration above) but the principle remains.

Assuming media spend and creative success are constant then reach is always similar (2 above). This could be different people, but the volume of reach is the same because we always start from point 0.

By focussing on TV and print the media spend can be high to attain the desired reach and the challenge is to ensure that the reach is relevant. (3 above)

The Trust Iteration provides a different result, below

A combination of traditional techniques and online marketing combine to create awareness (Point 1 above). By understanding the target market and by leveraging multiple relevant online media and techniques together with traditional sources reach can be more relevant with a greater conversion % and lower cost per reach.

Initial reach can meet or exceed that of traditional campaigns depending on media spend and strategy. This is shown lower here to facilitate the rest of the illustration

Effective, relevant engagement between points of awareness stimulates further reach through word of mouth (2 above)

To maintain momentum and engagement typically there is a greater frequency of targeted activity over time compared to the traditional approach (3 above)

Use of digital technologies allow us to capture and remember consumers that have engaged so each new initiative builds on the last rather than starting again from zero (4 above)

In actual fact each step in the mountain can also be techniques working together (point 5 above)

Over a period of time the total reach compared to the traditional approach is far greater with a correlating increase in conversion and the benefits that provides.

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